Planetary Society India

Our Vision

About Us
Our Vision
Aims and Objectives
Astronomical Telescopes for Sky Observation at National Parks of Forest Department
Links to other Websites of the Society
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1. To Achieve the aims and objectives of the Society  in its True sense.

2. To Inspire Students or Members of the society to Play significant role in the history of Space Exploration and protection of Planet Earth from Internal/External (or)  Artificial/Natural  Dangers while Promoting Astronomy.

3. To Build a new community in harmony with nature under the guidance of Cosmic Discipline.

4. To get Consultative Status for society in  Economic and Social Council  of United Nations.


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An organisation for promotion of Astronomy through its Aims,Objectives and Vision

Note: Planetary Society, India directly or indirectly doesnot claim endoresment of NASA/ESA/PLANETARY SOCIETY in U.S.A. However Society adopts various projects and implements the same for the benfit of students and general public.