Planetary Society India

Aims and Objectives

About Us
Our Vision
Aims and Objectives
Astronomical Telescopes for Sky Observation at National Parks of Forest Department
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1.   Popularize space sciences and related branches of science, technology and innovation among children, youth, students and general public while strive for advancement of economic, social, educational, health, environmental, cultural, art and heritage at state, national and international level.

2.   To conduct courses in space sciences, history, archeology, geography and allied subjects for students, researchers , teachers and others.

3.  To run mobile planetarium develop planetarium, science center, science park and observatories and provide astronomical teaching aid while doing all kinds of scientific, astronomical and social/cultural activities.

4.  To propagate awareness and necessity for the protection and conservation of the environment and thereby promote  the cause of sustainable development and precautionary principles through proper understanding earth as a planet with life important for very existence of mankind.

5. To promote the idea of socio-economic progress while encouraging entrepreneurship development creating opportunities through our various projects in the fields of science and technology and others.

6. To propagate to the public about the evil impact of superstition through scientific teaching to advise and effect national integration through our various projects in the fields of science and technology and others

7. To promote the concept of education based astronomy tourism, heritage, art and culture.

8. To exhibit and produce films on astronomy or any other subject having educational and social value.

9. To collaborate with organizations, departments in private, government or non-governmental sectors, while strive to promote exchange program and universal brotherhood at various levels.

10.The society shall initiate advancement of economic, social, cultural, art, education and health fields and others while striving for national and international cooperation and exchange program in these fields and to co ordinate with United nations organizations in relation to its activities.

11.To conduct or coordinate various competitions, contest at state, national and international level while providing required training and study material etc…

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An organisation for promotion of Astronomy through its Aims,Objectives and Vision

Note: Planetary Society, India directly or indirectly doesnot claim endoresment of NASA/ESA/PLANETARY SOCIETY in U.S.A. However Society adopts various projects and implements the same for the benfit of students and general public.